Sunday, June 21, 2009

Hot fixes for your guitar playing

Simple guitar playing tips can be the difference between a guitarist who improves everyday due to efficient practicing or someone who rarely gets better because they practice the wrong things or the right things the wrong way. Learning to play guitar can be a mine field so I have compiled a list of simple tips to help you while learning to play guitar.

Guitar playing tip 1:

Decide what kinds of things you want to be able to play. Many people never give this a thought, and so they kind of bumble through and learn the odd song/lick here and there, and after a few years they can play some guitar but they aren’t exactly the musician they imagined they would be. You can prevent this disappointment by having a clear objective beforehand.

Guitar playing tip 2:

Develop a regular practice schedule-even it’s practicing changing from a D chord to a G chord for ten minutes each day while you watch the evening news. If you can maintain some form of practice at the same time everyday it will be much easier to keep to it, and you will improve much faster than if you just practice when you can fit it in.

Guitar Playing Tip 3:

Get a metronome. Just about everything you ever play on guitar will sound a lot better if you work it with a metronome whilst you learn it. A metronome not only helps you learn to keep time, but it will also highlight any irregularities in your playing. Notes that are too short or too long or chord changes that aren’t perfect will stand out very clearly.

Guitar Playing Tip 4:

Play with other musicians. This will make you improve perhaps more than anything else. Something about the adrenaline coupled with the fact that you have to seriously concentrate on what other people are playing makes you improve like you won’t believe until you try it. It doesn’t have to be a full on band either, it could be just a buddy with and acoustic or even a harmonica!

Guitar Playing Tip 5:

Get to know your guitar. Do you know exactly what your guitar will sound like if you hit the strings very softly using just the middle pickup with the guitar volume at about 2.7? Well you should. Knowing stuff like this is one of the keys to being an excellent all round guitar player. There are few things as cool as seeing a guitarist switching from sound to sound for different licks using only the guitar and no pedals/footswitch.

There are so many different sides of guitar playing that these guitar playing tips could have easily numbered in the thousands, but obviously there isn’t space for that here so hopefully these five will do for now!

Click HERE to learn the secrets of the professionals and become a great guitar player in record time, including lots of guitar playing tips!
Is your guitar playing reaching it's full potential? Click here to find out how you can unlock your inner guitar genius!!

Steve Laney is the webmaster at

Well I Heard There Was A Secret Chord.... (4/3...Image by detbuzzsaw via Flickr

Thanks Steve for the article
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